DMCA is an active platform for downloading the free eBooks. The main objective of our website is to provide high-quality fast-speed downloading service with a user-friendly environment without registration and other hectic procedures. For this purpose, we collect books from the online world and put them on our high-speed Linux servers to provide excellent downloading speed along with a completely unique handwritten description. In case if you find any copyrighted file or book on our server and you want to remove it, simply inform us with solid written proofs and evidence. We will immediately take action and remove your files or books within 3 business day after your submission of DMCA complaint. The following requirements should exist in your copyright infringement claim:

  • Valid Email Address
  • Identity and proof of the owner
  • Links and screenshots of the copyright material

Send us your copyright infringement claim at [email protected]  with this info and we will come to you within 3 business days.

In the case of any queries, feel free to contact us.